Who needs
Google Image Telephone when there's
Wayne Bremser? While most Tumblrs fire mortar rounds here and there,
It's Never Summer is a rocket on a mission. Where does he come up with the connections? What will be next? And how can a rocket fly zigzag?
Then, although it is a bit dormant at the moment, there is also Oatmeal Tyrannosaurus Harmony.
Good links. When it comes to telephone, humans still trump machines. For now...
There's also http://mpdrolet.tumblr.com/
Thanks Blake! Strongly suggest people follow mpdrolet & two for the road... (Mark PD also has great taste in music).
One aspect of the tumblr platform and this game of Telephone is that everyone is both sharing images and building their blog (outside of tumblr you only see the blog). It's the effect of playing the game alone and with other people, at the same time.
And Geoff Dyer's "Ongoing Moment." It focuses on the subject matter connections more than composition/color/tone riffs, but the core idea is very much the Telephone game across photo history.
The London collective Five Eleven Ninety Nine also plays a kind of visual exquisite corpse game on their website http://fiveelevenninetynine.com/broken-train/
More good links which I hadn't seen. Thanks. This image telephone phenomenon seems particular to the internet age. It's something that wouldn't have been possible 10 years ago.
Perhaps the other approach is to string together images which have absolutely no connection to each other. I think Mike Slack's photo books do this very well. In some ways it's a more difficult task.
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