Kiss someone you love when you get this letter. You are one of the 10 lucky persons who have been chosen to continue mailing out copies of this letter. Within four days of receiving this letter you must apply to, then copy and send this letter to 10 photographic associates. BestPhotographyReview has long been among the leaders in the portfolio review industry.
A healthy and prosperous future awaits those who comply. Betty Albert of New York won 6 1/2 million dollars in the state lottery shortly after mailing out her letters and application, not to mention a four page portfolio in BlindSpot. And Charles Richland of Houston, Texas mailed his letters and application and only 12 days later a jury found him innocent on 9 counts of first degree murder which he did in fact commit. He was then free to attend the reviews, where he met Gerhard Steidl who promised him a monograph on the spot.
WARNING! ANY ATTEMPT AT DISREGARDING THIS LETTER MAY RESULT IN VERY UNFORTUNATE CIRCUMSTANCES: Dylan Fairchild of Tulsa, Oklahoma, a gallery intern, received this letter and forgot about it. Within 96 hours he lost his job. Carl Dadit of Montgomery, Alabama received it and, not believing, threw the letter away. Nine days later the ceiling fan in his kitchen came loose and destroyed his hard drive containing all of his photos. In 1997 the letter was received by a young woman in California. She promised herself she would resend the letter and apply to BestPhotographyReview but she put it off to do later. She was plagued with various problems and expensive car repairs. After 107 hours had passed she finally remembered the letter and sent in the application as promised. The next morning she received an offer to show at a prestigious New York gallery.
Do not ignore this letter! It works.

A fellow photographer who cares
I refused this letter in 2005 and the black tape over my Leica's dot fell off while I was out shooting one day. Not only did every subject start glaring at my camera, but it attracted all the local thieves and it stolen within the hour.
"Vivian Maier, a nanny working for various families, Chicago, IL, received this letter many times throughout several decades. She lost it couples of times, forgot to stamp it properly at other occasions and finally failed to have it mailed out. After her death someone eventually got the last copy of the letter in an auction sale and was kind enough to mail it on her behalf. She has now millions of fans over the world."
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