This is your Diana on drugs.

This is your Diana on photography...

This is your Diana on lithography.

This is your Diana on Pop Art...

This is your Diana on the Pop charts.

This is your Diana being thought about...

And this is your Diana being toted about.

This is your Diana hanging out in a biker bar,

Flashing chinzy bling,

Chain smoking,

Face drawn and lined,

Feeling totally strung out,

and high as a friggin kite,

Before crashing hard.

This is your Diana waking up the next morning someplace in Iowa,

With no possessions but the shirt on your Diana's back,

Trying to piece together what happened,

Reminding itself, "Think outside the box, Dammit!"

This your Diana having an existential crisis because this is not your Diana. Instead, this is a representational image of your Diana depicted on your computer screen.

has its charm. I have not decided to have one of this. I like the movie and it braked me. Times of crisis and changes.
Speaking of drugs, which ones were you on when you wrote this?
How much did you get paid to write that ?
I was paid a $75,000 advance and fed a steady diet of Peyote by someone, I have no idea who.
Anonymous ...
if it bothers you, you have a solution, do not read, or do not come in here ...
There are also forums for [self-censored]people like you out there
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