In conjunction with the reviews there are many photo exhibits all over town. Most are within walking distance of the Benson. For the rest you'll need to borrow a bike. This site lists most of the shows. In addition, here are a few more worth checking out:
Bryan Wolf, Living Room Realtors, 1422 NE Alberta
Jake Shivery, Angst Gallery, 1015 Main St., Vancouver, WA
Grace Weston, Buckley Center Gallery, University of Portland, 5000 N Willamette Blvd
David K. Brunn, Camerawork Gallery, 2255 NW Northrup
TJ Norris and PXL, Anka Gallery, 325 NW 6th Ave.
But the best photo exhibit of all is just a one night show, the Portfolio Walk in the Portland Art Museum's sunken ballroom which takes place in three shifts Thursday, 4/14, 6-9 PM.

This is always one of my favorite events because it offers 160 great photo shows in one place, plus the photographers are on hand for questions. If you see me wandering around Thursday eve, say hi. I'll be easy to spot in my customary sequined tuxedo, or not. Drinks afterward at the Virginia Cafe a few blocks north.
If you're in town for a few days before or after the conference, the best general purpose photo shop is probably Pro Photo Supply, 1112 NW 19th Ave. For film and film cameras, it's Blue Moon Camera, 8417 NW Lombard. Powell's has a decent selection of new and used photobooks (be sure to visit the Rare Book room), but true photobook connoisseurs should visit Ampersand on Alberta.
All conference participants are welcome to drop in our monthly Lightleak photo group on Wednesday evening, 4/13.

It's low stress, no dress code, no stakes. We just hang around and drink beer and look at photos and photobooks and talk shop. Could be a good precursor to the real thing which starts Thursday morning. If interested email me and I'll provide details.
Addendum 4/12: Just heard from Larissa Leclair about this photobook bonanza during Photolucida which looks amazing.
My wife and visited Portland and found that we: liked the southeast a lot, wanted to live in the northeast, and realistically could only afford the north (if that).
thanks so much for posting this. i had no idea. i will definitely be attending as much as i can..
Yes it's on the outskirts of outer Seattle just over the Oregon border.
I saw about 20 gallery shows yesterday, then the Indie photobook exhibit and the portfolio walk. My brain is currently saturated but I'll try to write an account next week after I've had time to digest. I think Pete Brook will be blogging too about Photolucida.
How did I miss your iPL visit?
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