Finally, in early November I mailed roughly 1700 different work prints in 21 packages to various people around the globe. By now most have reached their destinations and I've gotten some feedback, including from Marc Feustel in Paris and Phill Hunt in Australia.

The only troublespot was in the UK where one of my batches arrived looking like this:

The envelope has been repeatedly stabbed and the work prints are gone, replaced by 4 plastic bags of sequins. Don't ask me. Robin Godden (the recipient) and I have tried to piece together what happened without any luck. It's too weird to be an accident but also too weird to be planned. But hey, what isn't?
I like the idea of some mail thief out there ripping open the envelope hoping for treasure, finding 80 photographs and a stick of gum, and maybe discarding them in a place where they might be yet again refound. In the grand scheme it isn't much different from last summer's trip to London and Paris when I left photos on random park benches and phone booths. Johnny Photoseed turns 42 tomorrow.
happy birthday
Hmmmmzz, does anyone remember the book accompanying the exhibition, The Family of Men.....?
Greetings, Ed
Jacques Philippe comments on his prints 'n gum.
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