Quiz #24 results are in. This was the closest competition yet, with 3 separate entries reaching a high score of 29 out of 30 possible points. The first of these to email me their answers, and the quiz winner, is Matt Kuebrich. Congrats to Matt and to the other high scorers Jarek Sawiuk and Joel Cosseboom. Answers are below.
Leon Gimpel
Beirut / The Flying Club Cup2.
Michael Ormerod
Slash and Burn: The Best of Bodeans3.
Joel Meyerowitz
Ben Folds and Nick Hornby / Lonely Avenue4.
Eugene Atget
Galaxie 500 / Today5.
John Zorn / Naked City6.
Bruce Davidson
Bob Dylan / Together Through Life7.
Ryan McGinley
Sigur Ros / Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust 8.
George Mitchell
Deerhunter / Halcyon Digest9.
Peter Hujar
Antony and the Johnsons / I Am a Bird Now10.
Manuel Presti
Wilco / Sky Blue Sky11.
Diane Arbus
Robert Frank
Rolling Stones / Exile on Main Street12.
Herbert Bayer
The Chemical Brothers / We Are The Night13.
Alexander Rodchenko
Franz Ferdinand / You Could Have it So Much Better
There were multiple alternatives to the challenge to name a photograph which appears noncommissioned on an album cover and on two book covers. The one I had in mind was Anders Petersen's photo which appears on the cover of Tom Waits'
Rain Dogs, and on the covers of Petersen's
Cafe Lehmitz and
The 70s, Photography and Everyday Life by Paul Wombell.
Matt Kuebrich chose Bruce Davidson's
Brooklyn Gang, New York City, 1959 featured (above) on Bob Dylan's
Together Through Life, and on the covers of
Riding in Cars with Boys by Beverly Donofrio,
Big Bad Love by Larry Brown, and Richard Ford's
A Piece of My Heart.

Jarek Sawiuk's pick was an anonymous photo of a Montparnasse train crash from 1895, used on the cover of Mr.Big's
Lean Into It and also on
Human Factors in Simple and Complex Systems by Robert Proctor and
An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements by John Taylor.

Joel Cosseboom chose Man Ray's Tears, used on the book covers of
Science of Emotion by Randolph Cornelius and
Eyetrouble by Martha Ronk as well as the album cover for Damon and Namoi’s
More Sad Hits.
Thanks to everyone who sent in a reply. Look for another edition of this quiz in the upcoming months.
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