Antonis Damolis, 32, is a photographer based in Iraklio, Crete, Greece.
This photo was taken at the party of a wedding. I was very happy to get the official photographer's permission to move around and take some photos of my own. The combination of alcohol and music gave me a "floating" sensation and this was what I was after photographicaly. Usually during a dance, there are women throwing little baskets of flowers to the dancers, showing admiration for their skills and mystifying the whole act. I was very happy to catch these flowers all over my scene and the dancer during a spin. What made me really happy was the sudden appearance of the guy with the broom who was trying to sweep the floor. It gave me the chance to make an even more surreal photo out of this scene. It's one of these photos where you move around, dance with the people, make 30,40 clicks, and suddenly one of them pops up!
This photo reveals how many Greeks feel right now. The financial oppression, the Greek "experiment" has caused a feeling of guilt combined with depression in many levels of our society. The story behind the photo is not that important. This was a saleswoman in the airport of Athens. She was angry when she discovered that I was taking pictures of her, when I noticed the one I liked I deleted the others and showed her the picture, telling her that her face is not visible and she doesn't need to worry (and definitely doesn't need to call the police!). Later I thought that even her angry reaction matched the concept of the photo. Anyway, this is my personal comment on the times my country is going through.



I was on a trip in Istanbul, visiting friends and taking photos, when I noticed this man relaxing under the sun. I moved around him trying to figure out my frame. Next to him was this cat lying down so I decided to use the tree to separate them and give each one their own privacy. I took 5 or 6 shots, but the one I was happy about popped up when the cat started licking her foot. It was a nice moment of privacy in a public space and I was quite happy about it.

This was shot during the same trip in Istanbul. I had observed many bald people with stains of blood on their heads walking the streets. I was wondering about them thinking they could be some sort of cult. When I decided to try and take a photo, I noticed these two, and when they came near me I took a photo of their faces. After that I followed them in order to take a shot that revealed their situation and somehow correlated with the environment. Since it was a public space with a huge crowd next to us, I decided to lower a bit and use that pole as an observer. At first I was angry because I failed to put the pole right between them, but then again I noticed the geometry of the image and the fact that my subject's situation was very clear and visible in the photo. After coming back home, someone told me that hair transplant operations have these symptoms on the skin of the head.
Thank you Blake! It's really an honour!
Nice work Antonis!
Love these posts and love this photographer. Dead sand man is a big fave. Perfect.
Nice little stories Antonis. Each is almost each like a photograph but a completely different picture from the one you are showing.
Love the balance created between style and substance throughout. Nice work Antonis.
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