I apologize for the delay. It took a little while to get them printed and shipped from Hong Kong, and then I had to train and prep all the carrier pigeons to recognize chimneys. The cold weather causes them to lose focus. But I've got the kinks worked out now. The pigeons are chomping at the bit, and future orders will be filled without delay.
For those who've already ordered, thanks very much for your patience! Your deck is on its way.
I recieved mine yesterday. Beautiful work. Thanks!
Your pidgeon got to meet some real Brooklyn pidgeons while here. I hope they haven't corrupted yours too much. Anyway, you'll see what I mean when he gets back to Oregon.
I don't use Oregon pigeons anymore. They kept getting sidetracked on their trips trying to score weed. Going with Oklahoma pigeons now. Incorruptible.
Wait until they get to Chicago, your pigeons will join a union and start asking for more feed and better working conditions, a pigeon pension. And before you know it, you'll be outsourcing pigeons from India.
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