This photo is from several days ago. They're about twice this size now. Their growth rate is quite mind-blowing. Pretty soon the little tub won't hold them so I'm doing my best to get that coop ready. I'm really hoping to have it done in time for the Photolucida portfolio walk. If past experience is any guide I should be the only person there with a working chicken coop on display.
Here's a shot of Snips.

And here's what Zanzibar buk-buk McFate looks like flying off Emmett's arm:

The kids have been going nuts for them. They hang out near the tub for long periods just watching. Of course they can't resist handling them too.

This chicken shot is abstract enough to look like a planet seen through a telescope.

What if I zoom out? That's better. Now the interstellar Holga effect really takes over.

Here's another recent interstellar Holga shot from the Portland Zoo:

My frame counter got bounced and I wound up compressing images on the roll by accident but it turned out to be a good accident. I like the result.
The growth rate of kids is pretty mind-blowing. Gotta document them at certain sizes.
By the way kids, sorry but we didn't save any polar ice for you. It'll be melted by the time you're middle aged adults. Our bad. If it makes you feel any better the photo above shows us watching you watch it happen.
i see your kids have the Andrew Hetherington deadpan down-pat!
I like the light in these pics!
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