Long out-of-print, the Tea Kettle jpeg is now a collector's item. It commonly sells elsewhere for $200-$300. I have decided to release a limited production run of 20 jpegs available only through my blog at a one-time price of $150 each.
The image is a 600 x 450 grid of perfectly aligned pixels. The resolution is set at the international standard for web-ready collectible jpegs, 72 dpi, and the file size is 61 KB. The current color space is sRGB but I can customize this for individual users.
To view an actual size version just click on the image above and you'll be linked to an exact copy of the jpeg (note: this copy is not for sale). The image is suitable for web use, easily printable for framing, or you may just want to set it aside as an investment. The choice is yours.
Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis until sold out. Once all the jpegs are gone, that's it. You'll need to look on eBay for a copy and good luck finding one. I have very few copies available and as availability is subject to change, I cannot absolutely guarantee fulfillment even if you have finalized the order. For this reason I suggest ordering as soon as possible via the PayPay link below. Once your payment is processed, you will receive a security code with instructions how to download your Special Limited Edition Jpeg File.

this is funny
Interesting. Do you think "Xopóogií tii gáatahaí xáapahai" is funny too? I've always been curious.
You should consider smaller sizes too, not everybody has these mural-sized harddisk-walls !
Could you please sign the back of it?
So it took me a week to get this but...
are you playing Jeopardy with this? http://lapuravidagallery.com/blog/2010/05/oped-how-much-that-photograph-worth-on-web/
(and what's up with the Yoruba?)
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