Instead, I'm running with it and running for it, running like the wind. I'm asking for your vote as Best Eugene Blog. Go to Eugene Weekly, click through the JUST VOTE B! orange banner ad, and follow instructions. In order for your vote to count you'll need to vote in at least 10 (of 70) categories before September 25. If you're not knowledgeable about certain categories just make something up.
If elected I promise $2/gallon gasoline, world peace, taxes slashed, generous entitlements for everyone, and all your daily worries solved. And that's just year one. You won't believe what I have planned for year fourteen.
If you shoot wolves from helicopters and have something in common with John Wayne Gacy, you've got my vote.
Vote for me and I'll spend whatever it takes to conquer the world. And don't worry yourself about the bill. Consider it covered...by your grandchildren.
"Best alternative sports team"? As in, football is an alternative to baseball? Tattooing? Body modification? What kind of weirdo place is this Eugene person anyway?
I'd been expecting decent, family questions, like Best truck dealer, Best bookshop for Christian literature, Best Christian band, Best tea party, Best Hoveround dealer, Best Miller Lite outlet, Best preacher, Best exorcist, Best snake-handler, Best speaking in tongues, Best reparative therapy clinic.
Frankly, I'm appalled.
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