It's hard to believe it's only been a year since the place opened as the biggest photo exhibit on the planet. Judging by the current "Home" exhibit it has quickly morphed into one of the best, if not the best.
Bloggers were the first to sound the call about Pier 24, with posts here, here, and here, not to mention right here. Recently the mainstream photo world has picked up the drumbeat, with a nice feature in Aperture #203.
As of now it's still possible to book a visit on short notice, but I think it's only a matter of time before Pier 24 is swamped with photo tourists and visits will become a hassle. If so, Joe's video arrives at an opportune moment.
I'm leaving tomorrow for a week in San Francisco. Three weeks ago I tried, but Pier 24 was booked solid for the days I'm there. I looked again just now after reading your post, and spaces had opened up, so I'm going. Thanks for the reminder!
I went a few months ago. If it weren't for my debilitating fear of heights I would return in a heartbeat.
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