Saturday, October 17, 2009

What To Do? #45

133. Oregon City, 2005

134. Unity, Maine, 2005

135. Portland, 2005

(WTD? is a weekly installment of old unseen b/w photos)


  1. I really like your "What to do?" series. The idiosyncrasies of everyday life are very apparent in some them. And it is interesting how well such works work in as a collection of three....

    Film or digital?

    Best, Sean.

  2. A little of both. I compose all the scenes digitally using Photoshop, then I record the final version on film.

  3. "A little of both. I compose all the scenes digitally using Photoshop, then I record the final version on film."

    Ludite! ;-D

  4. Actually I got that backwards. I meant to say I film the scenes in real life and then manipulate them in Photoshop. Or maybe I record on film and then film the film. Or not. I can't really remember.
