Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Mr. Sobol

This photo was posted to Facebook recently by Magnum photographer Jacob Aue Sobol. It's a birthday photo (He was born 9/28/76). Unfortunately this crossed some unstated censorship barrier at Facebook. A few hours ago he was banned from posting future photos there. So I'm reposting here in the hope that this photo will recirculate, but mostly to say Fuck You to Facebook censors. I would like Facebook or anyone reading this to explain to me why this photo is obscene. You can find a million photos of guns, blood, and carnage on Facebook. But post a photo of the most natural process in the world and it's censored??? I can't explain it. I just know someone at Facebook has their head up their ass.

Update 10/8: Sobol reports on his Facebook page this morning that his ability to post has been reinstated. No word of explanation yet. Curious to see how this story develops.


  1. Giving life is obscene, unnatural, and not to be tolerated.

    Torture, dismemberment and murder in general is highly encouraged and celebrated.

    As American as apple pie and water boarding.

  2. Well written. Policy of Facebook is madness.


  4. Not only they can censored your photo, they can grab your rights to do whatever they want with the photo. Maybe I am old fashioned but i don't understand why most of the people use this site. Must be a more intelligent alternative.

  5. There is, Herman.

    With Terms of Service that explicitly state "In short, what belongs to you stays yours" Google Plus is the intelligent alternative.

  6. Facebook needs to wide-opened up its eyes and differentiates obscenity with photoart related.
