Saturday, February 4, 2012

B is the new Black

February is Black History Month in the United States. Not only has black culture made immeasurable contributions to American society, the color black (or absence of all color) has been very important in photographic history, especially to black and white photography. In honor of those contributions, B will be black for this entire weekend (Feb 4 & 5).

You may find the words slightly harder to read against the darkened background. I've found that it sort of works if you highlight the text you want to read. Or you can copy and paste into a new document, or as a last resort if you squint at the screen for several minutes while your eyes adjust, you should be able to read this. But whatever, I'll leave the final choice to you.

On Monday B will revert back to the normal background color, the gradually yellowing old newspaper tone that you've all become familiar with. Have a great weekend.

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