Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday morning shower thoughts

More bumper sticker silliness. Whichever of these receives the most comments will be the next one into production.

And a free print goes to the first person to identify all the references to The Odyssey in this post.


  1. comments: How about 'photographers do it in public' ?....... the 'shoot 1st' on your car may get your tire shot out here in the NW......

  2. I really like the view camera one...but then, I don't have a car, so my thoughts on bumper stickers are probably invalid.

  3. I like "I break for decisive moments" the best.

    Speaking of bumper stickers, have you mailed out the first one yet? I ordered one, but it hasn't arrived.

  4. View cameras and decisive moments. I'd buy both.

  5. 1. Decisive moment
    2. Your form ran over my content

  6. decisive moment would find a place on my bumper for sure.

  7. If someone shot my tire out, I'd certainly be asking questions.

    "Photographers do it in the road" actually started as Photographers do it in public" before morphing to "Photographers do it in the street", at which point the Beatles took it over. Just to clarify, I haven't actually "done it" in any of those places, nor do I recommend it for others. I suppose if talk is cheap, bumper stickers are even cheaper.

    The first round of stickers went out last Thursday. Everyone in the U.S. who ordered one should receive theirs within a week at the latest. International, give it 10 days.

    As I said in the initial bumper sticker post, the stickers don't have to go on your car. Could be a bike, a suitcase, your neighbor's bumper, whatever. In fact just to support you carless pioneers I'll take half off the price for anyone without a car.

  8. My fav could be 'I brake for decisive moments', which is also useful for car traffic safety...

    As for the Odyssey, well, I can see 3 references. Not sure it is fair to be more specific here though.

  9. ... I mean 4 references if one includes 'Homer' at the very beginning, which is obvious.

  10. Film is dead...gets the vote.

  11. The best one is "I break for decisive moments."

  12. 'Leica on Board' ;-) but then you'd get your car broken into. . . 'Atget' for me. Just coz 99% of veiwers wouldn't get it, and those that would might be worth talking to.

  13. "Just coz 99% of veiwers wouldn't get it". ooops... I don't get it either Jon - maybe because I'm french, or just because I'm stupid.

    But I believe it makes sense for someone who lives in a city celled Eugene.

  14. I agree the best stickers are the ones which aren't immediately obvious and "Atget." qualifies for most.

    In any case the vote appears to be breaking for "Decisive Moments"

    Including title and "Homer", the black camera post has 7 Odyssey references.

  15. 'Thank you Garry' and 'Atget' get my vote.

  16. shoot first? I used to take photographs in belfast. This ones out.
