Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Quiz #14

I'm now back from California, where on Sunday walking back to the car after photographing this, I happened upon the scene below. I didn't have my color camera with me at the time but I captured it later using Google Streetview.

If it looks familiar, that's because it probably is. This scene is a background element on the cover of a well known photography book. The first person to correctly identify the book gets a free print.


  1. That'll be Uncommon Places by Mr Stephen Shore.

  2. Congrats on winning the quiz for the second time, Freudus. I'm embarrassed to say I don't still have your address from last time. Please email it to me and I'll get your print out.

  3. I knew it too. Missed it, damn!

  4. The print arrived this morning. I love it - very beautiful indeed. I'll give it pride of place on my wall. Thanks so much Blake!
