Monday, November 17, 2008

What To Do? #2

(What To Do? is a weekly installment of old, previously unpublished photos from my archives)

4. SW 1st Ave., Portland, December 1999

5. Santorini, Greece, April 2000

6. SE Grand and Oak, Portland, April 2003


  1. I'm following your blog for several months now. I must say it is amazing. I can say it's one of the most interesting I know. Because you're critical and inspiring. That's one reason. You also let me know the work of some really unknown photographers. If you want, have a look at my places and the photographer's sites and blogs I linked. I'm from Bruges, Belgium. It is a very small country indeed, with a big heart for people from other countries and food and beer and surrealism -. You can find me on and on
    Have a good day.

  2. nice little edit blake! looks like you're figuring out "what to do'

  3. Luc, I just saw the film In Bruges so I have a good mental picture of your town in my mind. Thanks for comments, everyone.
