Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I've given my blog a makeover. Quiz #5 is to identify the two photographs used in the new masthead above. First person to correctly identify photographer/title of both images wins a free print.


  1. Second one: Oak Tree in Winter, by William Henry Fox Talbot.

    First one: I have no idea...

  2. 1st is your 36th st self portrait... Hi Blake.

  3. Both answers are correct. I'm afraid you each get partial credit.

  4. first one is blake andrews' "36th st. self portrait"--second one is "oak tree in winter" by william henry fox talbot.

  5. Wolfman, your answer is correct. However, I sort of contaminated the quiz by giving away the answer. I think the thing to do is give you a print next time I see you although it might wind up being a few work prints instead of an official "print". Freudus, you have the inside track for the next quiz. If you can come up with half of another correct answer, you win the prize. Anonymous, I'd offer you the same deal but who are you?

  6. I don't want your stinkin' workprints! Give me a showprint or nuthin' at all!

  7. Sounds good, Blake. I'll try to put the headstart to good use...
