Friday, April 25, 2014

Chain Mail

The third person to request the photo above via email receives an 11 x 14 fiber print in the mail.  (4/26: Sorry, no longer available) 

This is sort of similar to past freebies with one small caveat. After you receive this photo, please give one of your own photographs away to someone else. It can be a friend or a stranger. It doesn't matter. If you're not a photographer, make something else and give it away. When you make your gift, pass on the same instructions to the receiver...


  1. I'm from Stockholm, Sweden (although currently living in Vietnam). Is this picture taken in Stockholm? It looks like one of our typical summer days, lol. Great shot!

  2. Yes, it's in the western part of Sodermalm, shot last June during a rainy spell.

  3. Great pic and I really like this idea. I think I'll borrow it if you don't mind. The idea, not the photo. :)

  4. I have given away a bunch of prints and wish I had thought to attach a similar condition. Next time.
