Sunday, December 1, 2013

Forthcoming Titles

Already Published (2013)

Forthcoming Titles (2014)

Scheduled for Publication (2015)

Publication Date Uncertain


  1. Yup, let the milking begin- and from multiple sources. Then some years down the line when each golden teat starts to dry... and only after intensive negotiation, secretive back room dealings and sensitive third party mediation with all concerned... the ultimate, unabridged Greatest Hits Volume- followed by Vol II.

    Not to mention the obligatory unedited and reedited reissues...

  2. Not very funny. Cynical and perhaps showing some professional jealousy? Yes.

  3. diforbes- If you've been around the photo track any number of miles, you'd recognize the satire in this post to be pretty much on target. Whether you find it humorous is up to you, but this is already the third book (that I know of) on her work- and they're just starting to warm up. Personally, I'm just hoping for one I like enough to buy, since: a) I have such admiration for her as a person, b) have even more respect for her work as an artist c) don't have a helluva lotta money to buy all of her various published subsets. Did I mention the already released documentary, and the one about to come out?

    "Professional jealousy," don't know where you dragged that one out from. I mean yeah, a lot has been made of that time Andrews and Maier were seen throwing drinks at each other in The Sahara. But if you've read any of their personal correspondence that has since become public record, you'd know that they continued to have a warm and cordial friendship long after that overblown incident- which both sides insisted was nothing more than her accidentally knocking over her precious Rollei as he attempted to catch it midair, thus spilling his gin and tonic in the process. BTW- The Rollei which she had purchased just weeks prior, fortunately survived thanks to Mr. Andrews lightning reflexes- and the rest as they say...

    Lighten up guy.

  4. This whole Vivian Maier saga is intriguing.

    Really enjoyed the BBC documentary and I'm sure I'll enjoy the Maloof documentary when I see it.

    I just wish her collection weren't so fragmented and prone to the ups and downs of internet hype. I'd much rather wait a few (or many) years for a large or multi-volume set. But I guess that's the nature of the modern photography world.

    I wonder how it would be if ONE person or organization had found and published all her work. Perhaps a curator/historian. Or a printer. Or a photographer. The possibilities are endless, each one altering the editing, exhibiting, and printing

    I guess we'll just have to see how this goes. I'm sure it will be a long and drawn-out process, but I'll surely be paying close attention to it.

    As always, thanks for the hilarious blog post, Blake!

  5. Oh this just made my day! Thank you!

  6. You're right of course. I've long been tired of this Maier character stepping in front of my spotlight. The Sahara incident be damned. That was merely one in a seemingly endless series of spiteful interludes. Why can't that woman leave me alone? I would've achieved world domination by now if not for her and her meddling posthumous curators.

  7. This is brilliant. So funny. I wrote about the late-Ms. Maier and by the time my article was finished, I was fricking sick of her.

    Now, I feel refreshed! Thanks!

  8. This is so funny, I almost fell off my chair. Someone has a great sense of humor.

    Already feels like its gotten out of control.

  9. Are photo books really such cash cows?
