Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Shades of Bill Burke

I really like the Type 55 portraits that Bobby Abrahamson has been making lately on the streets near his home in North Portland. Many more can be seen on his blog Rabbit.

David Warren



Ardy and Penny

Francisco and Walt

Jeffrey, Lindsey, Jasmine




  1. Great work of some really penetrating street portraiture!
    I like the interaction between the photographer and his subjects.
    The people in Bobby's photos are not passive or adopting the catatonic, deadpan look.
    It seems like they're "playing" themeselves. That makes each photo unique and different.

  2. Meghan and Lila are sexy. I like the type 55 mood, I think this kind of film is special for street cause you can give a print to the person portrayed and preserve a negative for scan or print. But I can't get nothing of this system down here. Each portrait is very special now cause each film count, type 55 is not more in production, so there are limit stock. Some years more and there will be no more that kind of film. And yes, I like a lot the portraits, thanks for share

  3. Yes, I think Bobby normally gives the positive to the subject and keeps the negative. Polaroid 55 is indeed extinct. Last I checked he was working with a stash of donated film. He has threatened to run out before but people keep giving him more.

  4. It seems that the stuff (or something very much like it) may soon be manufactured: see "New55".

  5. I like the first two - they have something.
