Monday, May 31, 2010

Final Four

First of all, my apologies for not updating the blog recently. I thought I might be able to do it while traveling but it's really taken a back seat to the bare essentials: Eating, Sleeping, and Shooting.

Anyway, Fourth Round polling has closed. In somewhat of an anticlimax, all top four seeds advanced.

Frank pulled Erwitt's daisy (95-48). Cartier-Bresson decisively shot down Meyerowitz (93-52). Eggleston won the war with the obvious Kertesz (89-51). Winogrand defeated Friedlander to show us what he looked like defeated (88-57).

The fifth round is in the sidebar. Tough choices. Polling for this round ends June 8.


  1. Awaiting posts from England.....How's the show shaping up and In-Public in person???

  2. Blake, if you are in Paris would be great to meet up.
