Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Odds and ends

A. James Pomerantz has compiled a pretty comprehensive list of photography related films here. Worth printing out for that next trip to the library. I'll have more to say about Pomerantz's MFA blog in a future post.

B. Over at Urbansand, Darrius Thompson has been building a good collection of interviews with photographers. Worth a look.

C. As reported yesterday here and here among other places, Eggleston is about to find himself on yet another album cover. What is it about his photos?

D. Here is a take on Norman Rockwell that you may not have considered.

E. I think this photograph is incredible:

Hindeloopen, 1996, Hans Van Der Meer

F. Looking to trade prints? I am putting together a curated collective. Contact me if interested. In the meantime, check out Jin Zhu's print exchange.


  1. Have you ever seen the work of Olaf Blecker? I first encountered him as the photographer of an article about Orhan Pamuk's "Museum of Innocence". Pamuk is creating an actual museum based on his novel with that title. Accompanying the article were photographs by Blecker, still lives of a tricycle, keys, grater, et al, clear and well lit. Not hardly the stuff that you've been commenting on, but, good work, nevertheless, in my opinion.

  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/01/magazine/01Pamuk-t.html

    Here is a link to the article in the NY Times Book Review. Some of Blecker's photographs are in this article.

  3. The photos in the article are ok. I'll keep an eye out for his work.

  4. Heres a cool archive of artist books i recently came across, dont know if youve seen it.

