Saturday, February 28, 2009

What To Do? #17

49. SE 10th and Belmont, Portland, 2002

50. SE 12th and Hawthorne, Portland, 2003

51. SE 12th and Hawthorne, Portland, 2005

(What To Do? is a weekly installment of previously unpublished b/w photos from my archives)


  1. =) i know that photo booth at the corner of 12th & hawthorne well. i've always thought it would make a great photograph.

  2. *"phone booth", i meant to say. yikes. i'm gonna get back to drinking coffee now & hope that it helps.

  3. My advice is photograph it now because within the foreseeable future that phone booth along with all the other ones out there will be gone. Today's phone booth is yesterday's telegraph office.

  4. nice group of images blake!
