Thursday, March 13, 2008

Quiz #2

Take a made up word relating to 19th century photography. Replace three letters to form a made up word relating to 20th century photography. Replace three letters in the second word to form a made up person relevant to all photographic history from 1839 to the present. What are the three words? A free print for the first person to answer correctly.


  1. I can get from Kodak to Nikon but no further. Am I even close?!

  2. I was giving my brain a hard time till I realized that the prize is a 'print' and not a 'pint'. Now I just gave up :o)

  3. Prints are easier to mail than pints. M P D is one third of the way there. I'll post a clue in a few days if no one guesses it before then.

  4. Only one third? Dang.
